“The Universe is made up of stories, not atoms.”


Speakers with solid, relatable, exciting information to impart are often derailed by one of the following pitfalls: the lack of a workable structure, a wobbly thesis, a flat delivery, or a crippling case of nerves when speaking in front of an audience.

The purpose of Art in Communication is to identify and remove the roadblocks to presenting a compelling and memorable speech, with an emphasis on connecting with the power of story and enabling the individual style of the speaker!

Whether you are new to public speaking or a seasoned professional looking to expand your tool-box, Art in Communication will assess your needs and personalize a plan designed to "up" your speaking game and increase your enjoyment of sharing your unique voice with an audience.

Group sessions focus on: purpose, organization, development of thesis and story, and delivery, and are limited to 10-12 people per group.

Individual sessions are tailored to the needs of the speaker and are open ended.

Having a strong and focused team is critical in any collaborative work setting. Art in Communication’s Team Building sessions can accommodate up to 30 participants and focus on strategies and techniques for busting through preconceived ideas, deepening working relationships, and improving Team morale.

For an initial free phone consultation, and rate information on any Art in Communication offerings, please contact Anita Montgomery.